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Remote monitoring - transforming how offshore operators handle site maintenance

Imagine if you could drop the requirement for your offshore facility to be manned for the majority of the time, instead allowing for it be unmanned for the majority of the time.

With only the need for very brief spot checks and scheduled routine visits from small maintenance teams, with much less frequency.

This is very much a realistic opportunity that many offshore operators should, but have yet to explore.

Improved safety

The benefits are clear, having a remote monitoring system not only enables maintenance teams to be much less reactive with more reliance on an IoT based remote condition monitoring system. This playing a pivotal role in not only maintenance, but also helping improve operator safety.

This for the simple reason that it removes more workers from a potentially hazardous environment for a much greater amount of time.

Cost reductions & greener outcomes

Taking workers back and forth from offshore facilities is incredibly costly too, with frequent helicopter rides in dangerous and risky conditions, that can be as expensive as £10,000 per flight.

If these helicopter rides could be made much less of a frequent thing, the room for greater overhead reductions becomes very obvious and very appealing.

Not to mention the huge reductions in carbon emissions, in turn, improving a company’s overall carbon footprint quite substantially.

Improve working conditions & practicality

Working offshore is often invole conditions being dirty, uncomfortable, and incredibly taxing both physically and mentally. Sadly, these conditions are common for those working in remote locations with claustrophobic workspaces and cramped living areas. It’s true, the hefty payments given to workers has traditionally helped paper over the cracks regarding these often very challenging and often times, dangerous working conditions faced by workers.

However, technology can be the key to helping improve practicality and worker wellbeing at the same time. Achieving this by offering operators the chance to manage site maintenance with the power of remote monitoring technology, away from site in much better living spaces and working conditions.

In some cases, only needing to think about going to site when alerted by the remote sensors fitted on key machinery and other systems.

Boost recruitment

By not completely removing the operators, but instead heavily reducing the frequency in which they are needed to attend site and moving them to better working and living environments.

This would surely see an uptick in recruitment, making the role much more attractive asides from just being appealing by the pay-packet attached.

Data driven

The key benefits realised through using IIoT come from being able to access all the relevant site performance data in one secure place.

Making this data readily available to site operators will allow not just operators, but the production managers and the operations managers to make much more informed decisions and increase their overall understanding of how to safely run the site.


At Promptus Ltd we are confident that once people become more comfortable with remote monitoring and remote condition monitoring technology, we'll to see it integrated into more and more remote and offshore sites at a much greater pace and scale.

We firmly believe that there is no reason why a lot more offshore facilities shouldn’t be looking at moving to having fully unmanned facilities operational too.

Get a FREE consultation now with Promptus Ltd, by visiting our homepage or contacting us via email at:

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