Computer-Aided Facility Management is an FM software designed to optimise and automate daily operations relating to inspection, maintenance, contractor management, and compliance tracking.
CAFM can be pivotal in connecting and streamlining the building and its associated facilities. Typically, CAFM software users have seen a return on their investment within six months. While this is usually measured in financial savings, companies also see return on investment in other ways, as shown below.
Main Benefits of Using a CAFM Solution
Streamlined Reactive Maintenance and Work Order Management
Optimised Planned and Preventive and Maintenance
Effective Asset Management
Improved Contractor Management
Reduced Maintenance Costs
IoT Integration = Smarter Facility and Maintenance Management
Powerful Reporting and Data Visualisation
Multi-Site and Portfolio Management
CAFM and Building Information Modelling Integration
Increased Tenant Satisfaction
CAFM can allow businesses to;
Auto-assign tasks based on insight, generate work schedules and track activity against SLAs
Improve visibility and increase responsiveness to customer issues with web and mobile access
Streamline reporting with a complete and real-time view of operations via customised web dashboards
Gain a 360-degree view of all your assets, from location to maintenance history to help you make more informed decisions
Coordinate risk assessments, audits, surveys, emergency repairs and maintenance and demonstrate compliance with a clear audit trail
Consolidate all documents with everything in one place via an accessible database.
If you are interested in starting your smart journey, get your FREE consultation now with Promptus Ltd, by visiting our homepage or contacting us via email at: